Module 5 Knowledge Check

Module 5 Knowledge Check

Module 5 Knowledge Check

 1. Which use cases indicate that a non-relational database might be a better solution than a relational database?

- Horizontal scaling for massive data volume

- Data with unpredictable attribute

Explanation: for data volume, non-relational databases scale horizontally, and relational databases scale vertically. Non-relational databases can handle data with unpredictable attributes. Relational databases use strict schemas so data attributes must be identified in advance.

2. Which statement that compares a database service that AWS manages with a database on an EC2 instance is true?

AWS manage DB patches for a database on a managed database service.

Explanation: AWS patches the database system as a part of a managed database service, which enables you to focus on your apps. AWS managed database services also provide high availability, scalability, and backups as built-in options that you can configure.

3. Which examples are good use cases for RDS?

- An application that requires the database to enforce syntax rules

- An application that requires complex joins of data

- Running a Microsoft SQL Server in AWS

Explanation: Amazon RDS supports Microsoft SQL Server and many other popular relational database engines. It is useful when the application offloads syntax enforcement to the database, and when data queries include complex joins of data from many tables.

4. A small company is deciding which service to use for an enrolment system for their online training website. Choice are MySQL on Amazon EC2, MySQL in Amazon RDS, and DynamoDB. Which combination of use cases suggests using RDS?

- The data is highly structured.

- Student, course, and registration data are stored in many different tables.

- The company doesn’t want to manage database patches.

Explanation: AWS manages the database patches and updates for RDS and DynamoDB. RDS is better for uses cases that require complex joins of data from many different tables. It is also better when data is highly structured (uses strict schema).

5. Which scenarios are good use cases for DynamoDB?

- Database for serverless architectures

- Apps that require ACID transactions

- Document database for JSON-based document

Explanation: DynamoDB is a serverless service, so it works well on serverless computing. DynamoDB support ACID transactions through DynamoDB Transactions. DynamoDB can store and query data as JSON-like documents, which simplifies apps development.

6. A small game company is designing an online game, where thousands of players can create their own in-game objects. The current design uses a MySQL database in RDS to store data for player-created objects. Which use cases suggest that DynamoDB might be a better solution?

- Unpredictable attributes for player-created objects

- Large number of player-created objects, each with different attributes

Explanation: Because players create their own objects, the object attributes are unpredictable, and the database schema cannot be determined beforehand. A large number of objects, each with potentially different attributes, is a good use case for DynamoDB.

7. Which techniques should you use to secure RDS database?

- Security groups to control network access to individual instances

- A VPC to provide instance isolation and firewall protection

- Encryption to protect sensitive data

Explanation: Because RDS uses server instances, they deploy in an Amazon VPC, and you control network access to them by using security groups. It is always a good idea to use encryption to protect sensitive data in Amazon RDS, both at rest and in transit.

8. Which techniques should you use to secure DynamoDB?

- An Amazon VPC gateway endpoint to prevent traffic from traversing the internet

- AWS identity and IAM policies to define access at the table, item, or attribute level

- Encryption to protect sensitive data

Explanation: IAM controls access to tables and data in DynamoDB. A VPC gateway endpoint provides a route to DynamoDB that does not traverse the internet. Data in DynamoDB is encrypted by default; it is a good idea to use client-side encryption to encrypt sensitive data in transit.

9. A company wants to migrate their on-premises Oracle database to Amazon Aurora MySQL. Which process describes the high-level steps?

Use AWS Schema Conversion Tool to convert the schema, and then use AWS DMS to migrate the data.

Explanation: AWS SCT analyses the schema of the source database, does the conversion, and then creates the schema in the target database, AWS DMS then copies the data to the target database

10. You must perform a heterogeneous migration from your on-premises facility to a database in a VPC. You will use AWS Snowball Edge and AWS Database Migration Service (DMS). At which point do you use AWS SCT?

At the start, to extract data from the source database into Snowball Edge, before shipping the device

Explanation: Because AWS SCT connects to a database engine, you should run it locally. The alternative is a homogenous migration to a database in AWS first, which is less efficient.

Module 4 Knowledge Check

Module 3 Knowledge Check

Module 2 Knowledge Check

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